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Signed STAYCATION Merch on eBay!

Hey, Staycationers! I'm selling signed official STAYCATION merch in my eBay store, Asbury Odduitiues. Click the link! If you're not an...


STAYCATION, published by M4L Publishing LLC, is now available as an e-book, and in both paperback and hardcover print editions via...

The Undying Slasher

Why we'll never be able to kill off horror's boogeymen for good The slasher genre of horror has been a staple of the horror genre since...

The Ever-Changing Face of Publishing

The publishing industry has been undergoing significant changes in recent years, with new technologies and changing reader preferences...

Writer Profile: Edgar Allen Poe

Edgar Allen Poe: Exploring His Themes Edgar Allen Poe was a master of the macabre, beloved for his gothic tales of terror and morbid...

Writer Profile: Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson was an American author known for her dark, psychological horror and suspense stories. Born in 1916, Jackson grew up in a...

Choosing the Right POV for Your Story

Recently, I talked about the different styles of POV (point of view) a writer can choose when telling their story. The right voice can...

POV Explained (Simply!)

Point of view (POV) is an important element of creative fiction writing as it determines the perspective from which a story is told....

Writer Profile: Truman Capote

Truman Capote was an American novelist and short story writer known for his distinctive writing style and his contributions to the...

Spooky reads for Halloween!

With the days growing shorter and the season of the witch nearly upon us, I thought it was the perfect time to revisit some of my...

Product Review: Fabula Deck

If you're a writer on social media, no doubt you've been solicited by ads promising to teach you a secret but proven and a surefire...

My Favorite Quarantine Reads, volume 1

If you're anything like me, you're using the quarantine as a time to catch up on reading and forge ahead on writing. And if you're not...

Blog: Blog2
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